Our team aspires to empower everyone at your utility to get the most out of the software.
Comprehensive Package Service
Comprehensive Package Service
As your organization evolves, new challenges must be met: procedures must be implemented, workflows must be accommodated, and personnel must be trained.
Let us put together a package that will offer a full range of product consultation, workflow configuration, and team training to manage these changes and prepare your staff. If there are any special concerns or additional topics to be covered, the Partner team is excited to help! Let our experienced and knowledgeable staff position your organization for excellence.
Map Publisher Workshop
Map Publisher Workshop
Provides in-depth instruction of Map Publisher functionality.
Optimal for a new Partner Administrator and/or GIS Manager but also a great refresher workshop for established Map Publisher users.
2-day workshop for your Partner Administrator and/or GIS Manager
* Map Publisher sessions target a smaller group. Typically 8 hours long with an hour lunch break. *
Field Design Packages
Field Design Packages
Our team training is ideal for both Staking Technicians new to Partner Field Design or the current Field Crew. It’s the perfect refresher course on staking jobs, System Administration, and additional tips and tricks. Our workflow-focused training will gather input from each department involved in a standard work order, from creation to completion. Let us combine it all into one easy Comprehensive Training Package for you and your company. Request a quote today!

2-day workflow consultation for your primary Partner contact, Head of Staking, and a representative employee for each job step.
3-day training for Engineers, Designers, Stakers, and Administrators of the Partner system (2 days for field crew, 1 day for administration)
2-day follow-up/end-user training to reinforce your personnel in implementing your new system, workflow, and procedures.
Inspection Products Packages
Inspection Products Packages
Feeling a little rusty when it comes to how you use your inspection products or what to even use them for? Let us help revitalize your system with our Inspection Product training packages. Assess and accommodate your workflow as well as provide training for administrators and staff with these one-day training courses. Request a quote today!
Interested in more than one of these products or wish to have a workflow and specialized training? No problem! Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you get the most out of your software and happy to customize a Full Inspection Products Training Package or two-day workflow consultation for you and your team!
2- day workflow consultation and software reconfiguration for Engineering Manager and Lead Inspectors.
1-day user training for Managers, Lead Inspectors, and Field Crew.
Vegetation Management
Vegetation Management
This product has become so much more than just spraying, mowing, and trimming. Give it to your contractors for land management, to help keep track of scheduled burns, or droughts. Even use it for state highway inspections. This one-day training program will help you gain valuable insight on how to better organize and manage your territories and as well as keeping you up to date on tracking progress and scheduling projects.
Distribution Inspection
Distribution Inspection
Help make your data collection, report generation, analysis, and forecasting easier with Partner's Distribution Inspection. Join us for a one-day training session to keep you up to speed on how to easily organize and create records as well as best practices to ensure you have what you need for your RUS inspection cycles.
Damage Assessment
Damage Assessment
This product has become one of our biggest tools. Get a one-day training session for you and your team to learn more about data collection, customizable reports, and running queries. If you have damaged assets after a storm or need specialized reporting for FEMA, Damage Assessment is here to save you time and money.
*Training is Designed for up to 10 attendees. Larger classes incur an additional fee and include a second trainer.