Partner Software Origins

Tablet data and tools on a shelf

Partner Software develops field applications for the utility industry, municipalities, state governments, and private contractors. Our products incorporate maps, data, and your organization’s workflow to help you organize your process and visualize your progress. We integrate with utility mapping, accounting, and outage software packages and can build maps from a variety of data sources to meet unique needs from multiple industries.

Partner Software originated within Exploration Resources, a computing and environmental monitoring services company. The Partner group developed a map viewer able to integrate data from multiple vendors into a seamless, single-scale display.

In 1997, Partner Software began selling its Map Viewer.Our first customers became our co-developers for “Staking Partner”, our initial field tool, setting the standard of working hand-in-hand with our clients to deliver the best possible solutions, which Partner strives to meet to this very day.
From these humble beginnings, the Partner Map Viewer evolved into a platform for map-based applications of all kinds. As an enterprise-class product, it now integrates with applications from other vendors including connectivity modeling, billing and customer service, outage management, engineering, and many others. Created for viewing different map file formats simultaneously, the Map Viewer now provides the backbone for a sophisticated suite of solutions, allowing for the design of system additions, inspections and maintenance on multiple infrastructure networks and the collection and analysis of custom data.

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